A.Shilenkov, V. Kozlov Yaroslavl, Russia.

From the first sight it could be easy to treat recur­rence of sinusitis after endonasal sinus surgery, because of ostia of sinuses are opened. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of patients who suffer from nasal discharge, post nasal drip, dryness and crust formations after sur­gery. Recurrence of purulent-polypose process also may occurred.

In severe cases both general and local treatment must be indicated, but in most of the cases only local treatment is enough. For local treatment we use sinus-catheter (SC) YAMIK models 3 and 5. They allow to evacuate pathologic secretion from the sinuses via ostia and to fill the si­nuses also via ostia with medicines such as antibiotic, antiseptic, antihistaminic solutions or combinations of them. In those cases medicinal solution easily goes through the wide ostia and covers the whole surface of nasal mucosa and the mucosa of the sinuses. To get a positive result it is necessary to perform 2 to 6 YAMIK procedures with intervals of 1-3 days. We have treated 47 patients with recurrence of sinusitis after surgery. With 43 of them good result was achieved and for only 4 patients additional surgery was indicated.